This left Laura and I no option but to go forging into Mancora in search of sustenance. We found an 'Italian' place with an outdoor seating area that appeared to be Mancora's most tourist friendly establishment. As we begin to dig into our pizza and bottle of white wine, we quickly became aware that the good food and tropical ambiance was also appreciated by a thriving population of cockroach/beetle like creatures who dropped down on us from the trees above and scampered about over and between our feet. Like any good tourist adjusting to new surroundings we turned to the bottle, quickly killing the wine, then heading to the Lone Star bar down the street to finish of the night with shots. Ironically, the tequila and kolua mixers we selected as our shot of choice were called La Cucarachas. We made it back to our 'luxury' bungalow at around midnight where we gladly collapsed on the bed/mattress, the lone piece of furniture adorning the cement floor.
The next morning, through groggy eyes, we awakened to a gorgeous sunny day and a pristine view of our own private pacific beach. Chairs were lain out by the pool just inviting us to head over there, settle in with a book or a crossword, and order that first 8:30 AM cocktail. Well, we had made it just about to steps beyond our porch when the first swarm of sand gnats hit us. Within seconds they were crawling in our eyes, nose, and teaming inside my numerous surf cuts. Like any rational people trying to enjoy a vacation, Laura and I both intuitively transitioned into a policy of full strategic denial. After 6 minutes of trying to sunbathe/read/order breakfast while simultaneously serving as an insect sanctuary all such pretense evaporated in the face rapidly encroaching insanity. We sprinted back to our room/cell and mentally prepared ourselves for a tropical weekend spent hiding from the flies in a steaming hot cement bungalow.
The good part of this story is how it ends. The wind picked up within an hour and all the sand gnats disappeared. We ended up really enjoying the beach, the hotel and its staff grew on us, and at $25 per person a night we felt like we actually had found a pretty good deal. Its pretty tough to find a private beach in that range here in the states. Oh, and also we may have become slightly obsessed with one of our fellow Villa Sirena residents, who was about 2 months old, black, and named Moonie.
Heres the view from our porch of the Villa Sirena pool and the ocean beyond
Laura and I enjoying the beach
Our neighborhood taxi
Thats me surfing . . .errr floating in the waveless expanse that was Organos Beach
Even if I didn't catch any big waves to show off for Laura, I can always impress her with my super cool surfer pose
. . . and then Laura left me for a dog and its name was Moonie
Whats more fun the a Peruvian French Bulldog !
Not quite Hercules but pretty cute
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Well, I´m very glad that you really enjoyed the time in Los Organos Beach. I´m from there and it´s good to know that many people like you have good references and comments about my town. I hope you can promote our beach and our summer culture! Ok, God bless you all.This is my e-mail if you want to contact me:
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