First to orient you guys check out the map below of Argentina, where you will find Bariloche in the southwest in the Lake District of the Patagonia along the border with Chile.
Looking down from the Cerro Otto hill to the town of Bariloche and the giant Lake Naheul Huapi
I spent the first three weeks attending Spanish class 8:30 to 12:30 Monday through Friday at the A.I.E Patagonia Spanish language school. For those of you wanting to improve and live in an awesome place check out the school at Class for the first week was one-on-one and for the second two weeks there was only one other student.
Learning Spanish with my teacher Carina
While I was in class I was living with a family. My Senora was an incredibly nice woman who has one grown son and two beautiful grandkids. Her granddaughter Delfina was always at the house and was a wonderful three year old playmate and Spanish teacher for me. We were fond of watching Discovery Kids in Spanish together, with our favorite program being Backyardagins. I had my own room in Teresa's house, got a homemade dinner every night, and even got to join in on a festive asado (BBQ) at the lake side house of a family friend of Teresa's.
Delifna rolls her father down the hill at the asado while Teresa looks on at her son and grandchild at play.
During the weekends Bariloche offered tons of opportunites for play. We had a great core group of students that got along really well. There were my two mountaineer buddies from Colorado, James and Sean, and the adventurous Allesandra from Italy. The four of us did lots of activities together including trekking between Mountain huts, rockclimbing, relaxing at the many lake beaches and even wakeboarding.
The whole crew of Sean, James, Alessandra, and Me before our two night three day trek through the mountain refugios (huts) of Bariloche
The view from Refugio Frey looking out at the Cathedral Spire
James, Sean and I before hiking down from Lake Jacob
Working my way up the rockwall
Sean and I pose with our wakeboarding local friends German and Mario
A glimpse of relaxing on the beach of Lake Nahuel Huapi
Willie G,
Good to see that you are staying active (to say the least) down in the wilds of Argentina, however, there have been events of note transpiring in the last few days/weeks that will pique your interest.
While I don't know if this is the proper/best forum to inform you, it is all I have. Recently our dear friend Cole Gibson Walton, Esq. has become engaged to a fine senorita by the name of Crystal Baker and they are currently residing together in Austin. Cole has asked you and me to be groomsmen in his wedding scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2008. Wow, I know...a chulo (I don't know how Laredo Espanol translates into Argentinian but I think you get the point) like Slaw-Dog is getting hitched.
It is looking like the batchelor party will be a weekend in April and there is a shower at Trey and Jennifer Wilson's on Saturday, March 1st but considering your lack of proximity at the moment your attendence is not expected but you should see what you can swing as far as the wedding goes.
If you give me a direct email I can inform you of more on the exciting circumstances but give me a shout (713-202-1497, or Cole on his new cell piece (512-695-7170,, Anyway, I hope this finds you well and ailment free...
Thomas E. McConathy
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
I was looking for a spanish school in Argentina, I've never heard about Bariloche... I hope you can tell me more about the city, so I can decide what to do.
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