Dad and I flew into Vancouver on Sep. 14th, two days before the race, so we did get a little time to see the city sites before the race. Downtown Vancouver is on a peninsula on the Pacific coast of British Columbia but the greater city area sprawls to the adjacent mainland to both the north and south. It was fairly overcast for most of the time we were there. Looking out through the mist over the ocean and seeing the thick coniferous forest wilderness that surrounded it seemed the classic picture of the Pacific Northwest. Outside the race, the weekend went really quickly; mainly filled with logistics and a few meals. Thanks to my Dad who was a great help in getting everything done and a great companion for the pre-race dining and sports watching we filled our time with.We did go on one nice walk through Stanley Park which occupies the northen portion of the Vancouver Peninsula.
Anyway, have a few pictures from Vancouver and the race below.
View from the deck of our Vancouver hotel room
About 7:15 AM at Jericho beach. 15 minutes before race time with air temperature of about 58 degrees and water temps of about 60

Glad to be out of that water
Just after coming across the line
Pretty excited but definitely about to pass out. Notice the sleeveless triathlon suit; something I have been thinking Ruiz might like to incorporate into his weekend casual wear.
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