Our other neighbor Mike Dunphy is now pretty much part of the crew also. A comedian and cook from Boston, he provides most of the funny jokes to offset Craig's perpetual stream of Rodney Dangerfield one liners. You can check out some of Mike's stuff on his website http://onemikestand.com/ . We are going to see a show of his up in downtown LA this Thursday.
In other news training for triathlons and surfing are filling the balance of my unemployed days. I have started to step up the swimming a bit and am doing 2 mile swims from Hermosa to Manhattan Pier. I have also bought a surfboard now, so I have my own 7'6 "funboard". Swells have been week lately with nothing over 3 feet breaking. Looking forward to some consistent waves down in Costa Rica.
In the quest to hit up all the baseball stadiums Anaheim's park can now be notched, as we saw the Angels take down the Red Sox and Schilling. Baseball stadiums are always a good place to take the pulse of the local population. I have always been a bit skeptical of Angels fans, the whole rally monkey thing is a bit odd especially considering these fans now even tie them to the back of their cars. It looks like their dragging around a dead possum. Not surprisingly there were not many blacks at the Ballpark. Only in white bread Anaheim could the rallying cry be a bouncing stuffed "Monkey" which fans wave wildly around their heads then tie to the bumper of their vehicles after the game. Actually I think Anaheim fan is so devoid of baseball acumen he actually needs the stupid monkey to tell them when to cheer. All this being said I cheered for the Angels, after all who ever wants to see Red Sox nation validated.
Mi Casa
Living room
Back yard patio- note the two beach cruiser bikes
View from the roof deck
1 comment:
LOL, WIll you better get cracking on the spanish. Cant believe I will see you on wednesday!
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